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Let’s get creative!

So what is one thing you did for yourself last week? What is one thing you did for someone else?  Remember this doesn’t have to be complicated 🙂

Being creative is a wonderful way to practice self care.  If your child already loves using clay or drawing, talk about how they feel being creative.  If it seems like your child has lost interest in art over time, talk about it and ask if it might be something they could do again to lessen stress.  If you have never tried creating something out of clay, painting a picture, doodling, or any other creative expression you might be missing out on a great way to show yourself some self care!

When it comes to being creative anything goes! Chalk drawings in the driveway, cooking, writing a poem, all of it counts and yes this can be for both children and adults.  It’s all about how we think about these activities and how they make us feel.  When they make us feel good they fit right into self care whether or not it is a five minute activity or hour long.  

Art allows the ADHD brain to do more than one thing at the same time. For some children diagnosed with ADHD or anxiety, using their hands to build or create allows their brain the space to focus on the goals of a moment rather than be swept away by internal and external distractions.  

One of our favorite art activities for the whole family is below.  It is comforting and makes everyone feel good!

Sweet Dreams Pillowcase

Objective: Showcase talents and interests.

Materials: White pillowcase, fabric markers


1. Using the fabric markers, have your child decorate the pillowcase with pictures of their interests and talents. They can use pictures or words to describe a happy memory. The goal is to  showcase positives in their life so that is the last thing they see before they go to bed and the first thing they see when they wake up.

2. An important part of this process is the discussion that arises from discussing happy memories, interests, and remarkable talents. The memories chosen may be obvious, like a special birthday or vacation. On the other hand, you may learn about a detail in your child’s life that they cherish, such as a hard-earned grade or a special friendship that has formed. Anything goes and there is no right or wrong way to decorate this pillow. The goal is simply to represent happy times and feel good words. 

3. Don’t forget to participate because who doesn’t love a Sweet Dreams Pillowcase!




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Mom's Choice, ADDA, CHADD, ACO

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