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ADHD Resources

Which service is best for me?

How do I know what I need?


Executive Functioning Coaching

Parent Support

Does your child only need help with understanding subject specific material? Does your child need help organizing materials and managing time? Are you feeling overwhelmed and not sure what your next steps should be?
Does your child need help preparing for the PSAT, SAT, ACT, or other standardized testing? Does your child need to strengthen study habits? Are you using the same strategies over and over again with no success?
Does your child need a support person to reteach material previously learned? Does your child need to develop systems so that school work and tasks can be prioritized? Are you looking for strategies to manage behavior?
Does your child have ups and downs in their learning? Do you feel like all you do is yell and nag?
Does your child need to develop their self awareness so that life long skills can be developed? Are you looking for ideas to make your parenting life easier?
Is it difficult for your child to initiate tasks? Would ongoing support while you try out new strategies be helpful?

Highlighted Articles and Media


Tips for Communicating Positively
Weekly Report
ADHD and Technology Resources

When was the last time you watched you child stare at a screen and rolled your eyes and said, “Ugh! She is constantly connected!” Or you were looking at your child’s grades and said, “If she spent half as much time on homework as she does on social media, she would be a straight A student.”We hear you, these are real quotes, from real Navigating ADHD, Inc. clients. Check out our resources below and see for yourself how we can help!

ADHD Treatment Plan Resources

Want to be sure that your child is on track with their ADHD Treatment Plan goals?  Use our email template to check-in with teachers regarding your child’s progress towards their educational goals.  Click here to download your template.

How to Develop a Measurable and Effective ADHD Treatment Plan Infographic

adhd, adhd resources, adhd treatment plan, parenting, education, special needs, add, students

Email Templates

Finding an Ally Starter Email

Good Morning Ms. Smith,

I am Matt’s mom and he mentioned how helpful you have been.  I wanted to thank you for supporting him as he seems to be having a hard time during the school day.  I am unsure of next steps and was wondering if we could set up a time to talk on the phone. It seems like you really understand him so I thought I would reach out to you first. Please let me know when would be a good time to talk.

Thank you,

Sarah Jones

Back to School Resources - Teacher Email

The purpose of the check in email is to check in with a teacher on goals that are part of an ADHD treatment plan.  In this example the teacher is familiar with the goals and is an active member of the support team.  The three most important aspects to a check-in email are:

  1. Keep the length short as teachers are very busy and you want this to be easy to respond to.
  2. Make it very clear what you would like to check in on so that the teacher knows exactly what you are asking about.
  3. Acknowledge that you truly appreciate the teacher’s efforts.  This isn’t fake praise this is a genuine statement of what you are thankful for.

The tone of the email should be positive.  Also, the email should be written in such a way which makes it easy for the teacher to understand and respond.  Use this email as a starting point in creating your own email.

Download the Sample Check In Email


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