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Writing and Visualization

Did you know that when you visualize something it is powerful enough to begin the process of creating a neural pathway in the brain just like when you are actively doing something? This is pretty cool as there is solid science behind visualization. When the brain visualizes something repeatedly it can actually make the action feel familiar once it is experienced.  For example, if your child gets worried before presenting in front of the class and they picture themselves giving a presentation where everything goes well, once they actually do present, their brain will already be feeling like it has done this successfully before.  Of course, this visualization practice needs to be done multiple times with as many details as possible.  Knowing that our brain has this ability it would be absurd not to use it!

We have seen our clients who struggle with writing find great success with visualization techniques. Visualization can be a wonderful tool when your child is faced with getting ideas from their head to paper.  

Here is how: 

  1. If the writing process is anxiety producing for your child,  they can visualize themselves writing with ease.  They will want to picture everything from where they will be sitting while writing, what time of writing element they are using, and see themselves starting, continuing, and finishing the assignment.  They may see themselves chewing gum or having a cold bottle of water close by and where they are sitting in the room.
  2. Before your child begins to write they can close their eyes or if they are at school simply put a hand to the edge of their forehead and look down so that they can block out what is around them.  Next,  they can picture in their mind what they are going to write about.  Sometimes our brain likes to think of this as if we are watching a movie, for others a comic strip, and for others simply what is happening in the beginning, middle, and end.
  3. Your child can picture in their mind what they will be writing about and then rather than “seeing” all of it in their mind they can sketch out what they are visualizing.  This can be a very quick sketch but beware, if  art is your child’s area of hyperfocus– it might not be such a great idea because they will get lost in the process!

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