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We Appreciate You!

We would love for you to remember these words as we start 2022.  We want you to acknowledge that no one does this parenting thing perfectly! Give yourself the gift of grace this year!
On the stroke of midnight tonight, you can resolve to be better, if you like…
to be fitter,
to be healthier,
to work harder.
On the stroke of midnight tonight,
you can resolve to become a whole new you,
if you so choose.
Or, you can take a moment to acknowledge what you already are.
All that you already are.
Because it’s a lot.
You’re a lot.
And you deserve to be seen.
On the stroke of midnight tonight perhaps you could congratulate yourself, for coping.
For breaking, again,
and for rebuilding, again.
For catching the stones life has thrown at you,
and for using them to build your castle that little bit higher.
You have endured my friend.
And I don’t see the need to resolve to become a whole new you, when you are already so very much indeed. You made it.
Written by: Donna Ashworth
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