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The Gift of a Challenge

“Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don’t fight them. Just find a new way to stand.”

― Oprah Winfrey


We love Oprah’s approach to viewing the world and this quote really sums up the way we see living with the challenges of ADHD.

We always say that sometimes clients come in and within 45 minutes they have a new understanding of themselves.  Once they learn what ADHD is and what ADHD isn’t,  it is like their eyes are open to something new.  They can throw off what has been holding them back and move forward learning how to live their life with a new perspective.  When parents learn about what ADHD is and isn’t they too have their own fresh way of understanding their child and the next steps to be taken. It is kind of like wearing glasses for the first time or the saying, you don’t know what you don’t know.  

Over this holiday season we want you to take a deep breath and stand back and observe your child without your usual “in the moment” experience.  Notice what is easy and what is difficult and most importantly notice the “why” behind what is difficult.  It isn’t because your child just doesn’t care; that we know with absolute certainty.  The more you can see your child’s strengths and challenges through the lens of their brain, the more apparent it will become that there are roadblocks they face unique to their own way of experiencing the world.  Simply acknowledging this is the first step toward giving your child and your family the gift of a fresh perspective. This fresh perspective is your new way to stand.

We hope you are enjoying the season! 

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Mom's Choice, ADDA, CHADD, ACO

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