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Reset anyone?


Anyone feeling like they need a reset? Like an emotional, intellectual, or physical one? Maybe all three?


We know you are sick of hearing the whole “you can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself,” but seriously it’s true!


How many times do we have to hear it? 


What if we actually do something for ourselves, just once, and see what happens?


Literally, just once, we want you to stop what you are doing right now and take a deep breath. The kind of deep breath that you can follow through your body coming in and going out.


Now we want you to set an alarm on your phone for the next three days and when it goes off we want you to take a deep breath.


That is it! 


These deep breaths are going to be the foundation for bringing in more calm and releasing whatever isn’t working for you.  


Somewhere along the lines in our busy lives, pausing and breathing became a luxury.  We are on the go go go–but as parents we deserve better!  We do all the things for all the people all the time!  And we do love caring for our families in the crazy busy hectic ways that we do, but in order to maintain this pace of awesome parenting, we have to pause, breathe and learn to value ourselves and prioritize self care.  


So this week, meet the challenge and just breathe.  It is our hope that you continue this practice of pause and carry it beyond.  Create a Self-Care Sunday and do something to reset yourself so you are ready to face the week ahead as your very best self.  And–as parents, everything we do can be intentional so if it helps you actually take care of yourself, think of it as a teaching moment.  You are giving your child the gift of self care.  Show your child that pausing, resetting and taking care of yourself makes you stronger, healthier and happier. 

P.S. Your child can reset by spending more time getting fresh air, drinking more water, or reading one more story at bedtime. Make it happen for both of you!

P.P.S. The ADHD Parenting Blueprint is starting soon. Get on the waitlist today!

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Mom's Choice, ADDA, CHADD, ACO

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