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Why we need a pause……

Let’s assess how “back to school” is going! 

How are you doing with any goals you have for yourself like, not checking Powerschool, Google Classroom or Aspen everyday? Or maybe one of your “back to school” goals is to exercise every morning after your kids are out the door.

You might be working on following your child’s lead on where it’s best to do homework or whether or not listening to music helps with focus. 

Maybe you are listening more and talking less so you can truly understand your child’s perspective.

Whatever goals you are working on, the most important thing is to have a PAUSE. A pause is when you stop for a minute (it really doesn’t need to be more) and consider where you are at with your own goals, not your child’s, but your own.

You are checking in with yourself to notice how things are going and to celebrate your progress and make tweaks where needed. If you have an ADHD brain yourself think outside the box and determine when you are going to make this PAUSE happen. Maybe while you are taking a shower, maybe when you are taking your dog for a walk, or maybe an alarm goes off on your phone when you are waiting in the school pickup line. 

The point is you only need a minute each day. Literally a minute! PAUSING to assess will be life changing. Try it! We want to hear how it is going and remember whatever you do has a trickle down effect on your child!

P.S. Use this Positive Self Talk Script to help you and your child move from negative self talk to positive self talk. Click here!

P.P.S. Join the ADHD Parenting Blueprint Waitlist and get your discounted special offer! Click here!

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Mom's Choice, ADDA, CHADD, ACO

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