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Posts Written By: Holly Oberacker

Writing the book

Writing the book
The truth is that ADHD is pretty great. It is wonderful, in fact. While it certainly presents challenges, ADHD means bountiful energy, lavish love, buckets of enthusiasm, and a unique way of looking at the world
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Don’t forget about you!

Don’t forget about you!
The demands of raising a child with ADHD can be stressful. Between managing the outbursts, organizing backpacks and muttling through homework hour, there is time for little else. That’s why it is important as caregivers…
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Back to School!

Back to School!
The transition from summer to school can be difficult for everyone. It is especially difficult for children with ADHD. You may see an escalation in negative behavior or a high level of anxiety. As difficult…
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“I feel so much more calm and peaceful. Thanks to Navigating ADHD, I have a better way of approaching the daily struggles. I tell everyone I know about Tracey and Holly!” “All of the strategies…
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Winter 2011

Recipients of the 2011 Mom's Choice Award! for Navigating ADHD: Your Guide to the Flip Side of ADHDNavigating ADHD is now on YouTube! Contact us to learn more about our services!
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Mom's Choice, ADDA, CHADD, ACO

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