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The One Important Step No One Ever Tells You About

The diagnosis of ADHD for your child may leave you feeling confused, perhaps angry, maybe relieved to have a name for the challenges, and always with a mind full of questions. Taking time to process these emotions while accepting the diagnosis is an important first step in supporting your child.
Giving yourself time to pause and think about an ADHD diagnosis will build a strong foundation for the larger transition into ADHD parenting.
Taking this time will help you feel more confident and ready to begin the journey of gaining knowledge and as many tools as possible to help your child. This self reflection is an often missed step as parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with ADHD often feel rushed to create immediate solutions. We don’t want you to miss this step!
Each day a diagnosis of ADHD can present a new set of challenges. You may find yourself constantly problem solving and troubleshooting areas of challenge. Whether it is leaving reminder notes in your child’s book bag to turn in his homework, or reminding your daughter to be home by 4pm to get ready for her sister’s recital, we know you want your child to be engaged and supported always.
We want you to take a deep breath and give yourself space to take one step at a time. As strategies and innovative treatments are readily available sometimes simple go to strategies get overlooked.
In order to simplify things begin by understanding the resources available to you. Many school districts offer children diagnosed with ADHD special accommodations inside and outside of the classroom. Standing desks, motor breaks, the use of fidgets, voice to text tools, and audiobooks are all possibilities. Speak with your child’s teacher to learn about resources and special offerings such as an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 Accommodations Plan. Also, seek out other parents to learn from them regarding educational resources that they are using for their children.
Secondly, be patient and manage your expectations. Being patient and flexible is key because your approach may need to shift day-by-day, hour-by-hour, or even a minute-by-minute. Understanding that the key to ADHD is effective management through support and strategies will guide your decisions and resources. Work with a coach or therapist to help you learn as much as possible about your child’s diagnosis and subsequent needs to establish daily routines and knowledge of your child’s behavior.
Remember, a diagnosis of ADHD does not have to be looked upon as a challenge that will change the tide of your life or family. You can view it as an empowering experience where through education and resources you can strengthen yourself, your child, and your family.
Get educated today and attend our Free Masterclass: Best Kept Secrets for How to Yell Less, you can join us LIVE or listen to it as you walk your dog or run errands on our Private Podcast Channel! Click Here to Sign Up.
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Mom's Choice, ADDA, CHADD, ACO

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